Friday 17 March 2017

Sedna seduced!

I picked up Sedna and these were the steps:

Like any machine, starting with arp-scan:

arp-scan -l

The machine got detected at

Next, I concentrated on port 80 and running dirbuster it became clear that builderengine is running.

Doing a quick searchsploit for builderengine revealed exploit for arbitrary upload.

I uploaded a simple php rerverse shell and received reverse shell on listening port 443.

cat flag.txt

Next, exploit for first overlayfs was tried but It failed
Checkeding exit code it gave me 255 but it was irrelevant.

Checking further, I saw that there was no "su" in /bin which could be the cause but I skipped to look other exploits.

For 14.04, the exploit apport worked just fine and root shell was achieved.

cat flag.txt

There are two more flags, I am lazy so going to skip those...
(Maybe I will do that later...)